Photograph: Bex Wade

Fine Bone China is a task-based, part-improvised, part-choreographed performance that explores how we try to hold things together even when everything is falling apart. Lucy and Martha question Englishness, social conventions and how we all often pretend that “Yes, everything’s fine” even when we are clearly drowning. The performance takes place within a surreal minimalist set and playfully leads the audience to contemplate the gap that exists between our Romantic ideals and the bare truths of reality.

We’ve found it. Once and for all we have caught it: the ingredients for the most perfect teatime moment. We want to present it to you, to re-construct it for you exactly, precisely and then hold onto it. We want to rest in a limbo of loveliness where there are no raised voices and we are wrapped in a blanket of sugar.

For more information on the making of Fine Bone China click "Older Posts" at the bottom of this page.

Tuesday, 27 April 2010

Goodbye Frankfurt

After two very different performances and some serious late night cleaning we have left Frankfurt after a great residency. Thank you to everyone at Mousonturm for making us feel so welcome and thank you to all the other Plateaux artists and audience members that gave us such invaluable feedback.

Thursday, 22 April 2010

Leaving our Rehearsal Space

We are packing up our rehearsal space today and installing ourselves into our performance space until the performance.  We will be sad to leave this lovely light and airy space but perhaps it's in good time as there is a slight smell of gone-off milk due to our work with cream and slightly less than perfect cleaning efforts!

Fly Training

Our Performance Space

We spent Tuesday and Wednesday experimenting with light and sound in our performance space . . .

Saturday, 17 April 2010

Thursday, 15 April 2010

Rehearsal Images

How do you integrate specific images within a task based/improvised structure? Any comments?

The cups have arrived!

Let the 'smashing' teatime rituals commence...

Friday, 9 April 2010

One week on

Today the chairs arrived in their lighter, more elegant incarnation!
They were soon fixed down by the uber efficient technicians and safe to climb.

Its been a good week of rehearsals. We have been working hard on our deconstructing text, and negotiating the line between task based and choreographed performance. 

For those of you familiar with our earlier versions of 'fine bone china' you will be pleased to know that the quality of the wolves are slowly returning to haunt our delicate stage world...more updates soon.

Tuesday, 6 April 2010

The day the chairs came

Today Lucy and I were interrupted mid-script, standing with tea-cups on our heads, to hear the wonderful news that our 6ft" tall chairs had arrived!

We are exited and nervous about the delights that await us in mastering the tall chair, high-heel and tea-cup combination...... watch this space and wish us luck!

Our Rehearsal Space at Mousonturm

Sunday, 4 April 2010

Frankfurt: Easter Weekend

Yesterday we went to a flea market beside the river. We saw pink blossom, German Sausage, painted eggs hanging in trees, rugs and rugs and rugs and fur coats and yellow blossom and china lambs. We bought a silver teapot to drop from a great height. We ate apfel strudel and drank erdinger. We saw a performer climb ladder mountains, converse with pina and wait for pictures in a blond wig.

Today we went to our wonderful rehearsal space at mousonturm. 
We have a made a very good plan of action!

We went to a bar with a moose on the wall.